Sunday, March 27, 2011

How to Cure Acne

The human body contains oils with which to lubricate the skin and hair. These oils are called sebum and are stored underneath the hair follicles. Pores do not contain oil storage and do not get clogged up, which results in acne. Hair follicles get clogged with oil and dead skin cells which travel along the hair follicle to the skin’s surface and form a sort of plug, according to the Mayo Clinic. When these follicles become infected, resulting in red spots with a white center, it’s called acne. 

What Causes Acne

The American Academy of Dermatology suggests that hormonal imbalances can cause acne. When teenagers have raging hormones or women are beginning their period, their oil production increases. Bacteria lives on and in the human body. Some bacteria are good, carrying away the effects of the bad ones. The bad bacteria combines with the oils in the body, thickening and swelling, which, when it travels the hair follicle route, erupts on the surface of the skin as acne. Heredity could play a part in acne, but more studies are being done on that subject.
What Does Not Cause Acne
The Mayo Clinic says it’s safe to eat potato chips and french fries, because oils do not cause acne. Chocolate need not be pushed aside, nor sodas. That’s going to be a relief to many teens. Dirt and everyday grime does not affect acne, so scrubbing and scratching only aggravates the situation. Gentle washing with simple soap and water is the best skin care regime there is, says the Mayo Clinic.
A Few of Acne’s Effects
Both the American Academy of Dermatology and the Mayo Clinic report that popping zits can cause scarring. Acne alone causes depression and lack of self-esteem. Unfortunately, ours is a society in which youth and glowing perfection are the standard to which everyone tries to rise; knowing this, a person scarred with acne suffers untold self-esteem problems. Who knows, but this might cause more acne to appear?

For the most part, topical applications for acne include benzoyl peroxide, sulfur, resorcinol, salicylic acid or lactic acid as their active ingredient. These are bought over the counter and are beneficial for mild acne. Prescription medications work on vitamin A, which removes dead skin cells and keeps the follicle from becoming plugged. Prescription medications like these or oral birth control or antibiotics work to keep the body from overproducing oils that can cause clogging in conjunction with bacteria. These are the chemical choices available. Other choices include laser and light treatments, which tend to work on the deeper levels of skin, leaving the surface untouched. Dermabrasion and chemical peels can be used in combination with other methods of curing acne.
Herbal Cures For Acne
Working on the premise that a strong healthy body won’t get acne, it would seem that taking an immune system strengthener would be the first step. To that end, Echinacea or Goldenseal are both herbal immune boosters which kick out of the body the bad things bad bacteria can get up to, often following the destruction of the immune system following ingestion of chemical antibiotics. Moving on to external applications, Tea Tree Oil can be obtained from any pharmacy and is a good antibiotic and antiseptic. Lavender is another good antiseptic when applied topically, as is red clover, which is an excellent antibacterial application. Pottasium also helps fight acne plus vitamin A.

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